
VIC - Vienna International Center

For the Vienna International Center, also known as the UNO City, comprehensive and urgently needed fire protection measures are planned. Under the leadership of Vasko+Partner, the existing fire protection systems have been assessed since the autumn of 2016. Based on this assessment, a fire protection concept is currently being developed, which will primarily enhance the safety of people within the VIC.

The VIC was designed by the Austrian architect Johann Staber in the 1980s as the headquarters for international organizations. It is used by the United Nations, the IAEA, CTBTO, and IKSD. Alongside New York, Geneva, and Nairobi, it is one of the four headquarters of the United Nations. The complex, with its six office towers, is situated on an area of 17 hectares. The towers are arranged around a circular conference center. The building services are located in a separate building and on several floors within the high-rise towers. Additional buildings for infrastructure, such as security and scanning areas, parking decks, a kindergarten (built in 2001), and a new conference center (built in 2009) planned by architect Albert Wimmer, are also located on the site. Approximately 4,700 people work on-site, and the total usable area covers around 350,000 square meters. The buildings have aged significantly, and until 2013, they underwent asbestos removal. However, the fire protection measures are no longer up to date. Vasko+Partner has been entrusted as the general consultant to develop a comprehensive fire protection concept, which will be delivered by the end of 2017.

"The challenge of this project lies, on one hand, in the enormous area; we are creating a fire protection concept for approximately 350,000 square meters! The site inspection alone is enormous. On the other hand, we are also working on modernizing some of the outdated security systems. We are currently identifying all deficiencies, and based on the results, we will compile a list of recommended measures and a fire protection concept that aligns with current standards," explains Nina Schjerve, project manager at Vasko+Partner. The tasks include increasing and updating security, particularly ensuring the safety of individuals, and adapting it to the current state of technology.

In parallel, the team led by Nina Schjerve is creating a priority list of measures. The fire protection measures will be carried out while the facility remains operational. Additionally, the Austria Center, located right next to the VIC and Austria's largest congress center, will undergo a general renovation and modernization. The International Office and Conference Center Vienna (IAKW-AG) is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the VIC and the Austria Center.

Project owner VIC
Architecture Johann Staber / Albert Wimmer