
University Vienna Rossau - Uni:rossau

The consortium Maurer-Neumann+Partner won the competition for the overall planning in 2010. Vasko+Partner was responsible as the local construction supervision, construction coordinator, and testing engineer. The building complex consists of Building Part A, which includes a 12-story high-rise and a base building located at Türkenstraße 3, Berggasse 34, and Hahngasse, with six upper floors.

The existing building was extensively renovated to accommodate classrooms, lecture halls, and laboratories for approximately 2,500 students, workspaces for about 650 faculty members, as well as a library and cafeteria. The new extension was integrated into the existing appearance, maintaining the characteristic perforated facade of the high-rise and its resulting horizontal effect. The project was designed with a focus on optimizing life cycle costs from a technical perspective. The recessed 12th floor forms the upper termination of the building.

The ground floor of the high-rise features large glass surfaces, providing transparency and openness to the public. An essential aspect of the architectural concept was to retain the identity of the existing structure throughout the entire building, as explained by architect Heinz Neumann, a feature that also convinced the client.